WASP PhD students have the opportunity to apply for a short-term visiting researcher position abroad, in the range of one-six months.
You can apply to visit any research group in the area of your research interests abroad.
You can apply for a longer or a shorter visit. A long visit is typically one semester/two quarters long. For shorter visits there is a minimum time of 1 month. During your time as graduate student you may apply for one longer or (at most) two shorter visits.
All WASP PhD students, including affiliated, can apply for longer or shorter research positions abroad.
Successful applicants will receive funding from WASP to cover increased living expenses. These are expected to consist of visa, travel, and subsistence costs (housing costs and relevant allowance). Allowance is paid according to the URA Agreement on overseas contracts, both for shorter and longer visits. Tuition fees may also be included in the WASP grant, but if the cost of tuition exceeds the maximum grant, it must be covered by the home university. Your local university should assist you regarding all practical travel arrangements for the research visit.
There are two funding models, one for expensive destinations (typically the Bay area in US) and another for other destinations.
Funding (expensive destinations)
Funding is based on actual costs but will not exceed (20 000 + 30 000×Nmonths) SEK where Nmonths is the number of months spent abroad. The maximum total funding is 200 000 SEK.
Funding (other destinations)
Funding is based on actual costs but will not exceed (20 000 + 20 000×Nmonths) SEK where Nmonths is the number of months spent abroad. The maximum total funding is 140 000 SEK.
Terms and options at Stanford and US Berkeley
- At Stanford, a registration fee is covered by Wallenberg Global Learning Network, whose Steering Committee is chaired by prof Craig Heller. To get this support (1137 USD/month in 2020) please contact prof Craig Heller at hcheller@stanford.edu
- Note that the MoUs signed by Stanford University, UC Berkeley and WASP mean that most tuition fees are waived, but not all. Both Stanford and Berkeley require a visiting researcher tuition fee. As an example, the Stanford fee 2018 was $1062 per month.
The first step is to identify and approach a research group in the area of your research. Ask your supervisor for help in establishing the contact. You need a letter of invitation from your host (the head of that research group) to confirm that you are welcome to visit them.
The second step is to write a short (max two pages) application describing the planned visit with a short research plan together with 1) the letter of invitation from your host, 2) your CV and 3) a list of the WASP activities that you have participated in and the (approved) WASP courses that you have taken. Your application should then be sent by email to Bo Wahlberg (bo@kth.se). If your proposal is accepted, you will get a decision letter where the economic conditions are described.
You can apply any time for any destination and will get a reply within a quarter (ordinary vacation times not included).
Extra funding is given for the related expenses according to the section “Costs and Funding” above. The maximum amount depends on the duration of the stay and is stated in the decision letter. Expenses must be properly reported.
Academic PhD students funded by WASP
The costs will be reported separately. If you are new to travel reporting, ask someone at your university for an introduction to your local routines and especially the handling of receipts.
Industrial students funded by WASP
A separate requisition will be used for this. Please make sure that you know what information and what documents (such as receipts) your company needs from you to prepare the financial report.
Affiliated students
Please contact the program office at economy@wasp-sweden.se for instructions.