You can apply to organize a small, medium, or large cluster meeting. The costs are based on “statliga ramavtal” for a one-day conference that includes meeting room, lunch and coffee, excluding VAT. The main organizer will be reimbursed for the costs through WASP standard process for requisition based on actual costs.

Please read the conditions carefully and use the application form below.

Conditions for funding

    • A cluster can only get funding for a cluster meeting once a year if the proposal to organize a meeting is approved.
    • The allocated funding for cluster meetings cannot be saved for next year.
    • The cluster leader should be the main organizer and is responsible for the application process.
    • The minimum number of participants is 5 researchers from at least 3 different universities.
      The main organizer will be reimbursed for the costs through WASP standard process for requisition based on actual costs.
    • The funding can be used for premises, meals, and other common costs needed to organize the meeting.
    • The meeting should be organized in Sweden and all cluster members should be invited to the meeting.
    • WASP do not cover costs for travel or accommodation for participants in the meeting.
    • WASP will not reimburse costs for social activities or conference fees.
    • WASP will not sponsor conferences, workshop nor PhD courses that are organized by other organizations.
    • WASP only covers costs for WASP PhD students, including WASP affiliated PhD students, WASP postdocs, and WASP researchers.
    • The organizer must follow the regulations at his/her university regarding eligible costs for organizing a meeting/conference.
    • After the meeting, please send a short description of the meeting and a list of participants according to the table below.

The proposal (use the application form) and full agenda of the meeting, including a short description of the main purpose of the event, is sent to

A list of participants is to be sent in after the meeting (see application form).