Reinforcement Learning (RL) is one of the main branches of Machine Learning allowing a system to learn through a trial-and-error process. The emerging field of RL has led to impressive results in varied domains like strategy games, robotics, etc. This course aims to give a deep understanding of the wide area of RL, build the basic theoretical foundation, and summarize state-of-the-art RL algorithms. The course covers topics from sequential decision making, probability theory, optimization, and control theory. At the end of this course, students will be able to formalize a task as an RL problem, have practical skills to implement recent advances in RL, and are ready to contribute to this field.

Course type:

  • AS track: elective
  • AI track*: prioritized (elective)
  • Joint curriculum: advanced

Time: Given even years, Autumn (preliminary)

Teachers: Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie (LiU), Johannes Andreas Stork (ORU)

Examiner: Johannes Andreas Stork (ORU)

*Those in the AI-track, who have not taken the mandatory course “Learning Theory and Reinforcement Learning” must select at least one of the courses “Learning Theory” or “Reinforcement learning”. Those in the AI-track, who have taken the course “Learning Theory and Reinforcement Learning” may also take “Reinforcement learning” as one of their elective courses.

The participants are assumed to have a background in mathematics corresponding to the contents of the WASP-course “Mathematics and Machine Learning”.

Other entry requirements for the course:

  • Basic knowledge about RL (MDP, tabular RL, value iteration, policy search, Q-learning, SARSA, etc.) corresponding to the optional course segment provided in this course.
  • Probability theory (estimation, Monte Carlo, etc.)
  • Optimization (mean-squares error, categorical cross entropy loss, dynamic programming)
  • Deep learning basics (fully-connected and convolutional layers)
  • Programming in Python (Numpy, plotting, deep learning with Python, etc.)

Knowledge and Understanding

After completed studies, the student shall be able to

  • explain and characterize the concept of RL and categorize RL agents
  • describe, explain, compare, and characterize different types of basic and advanced reinforcement learning methods
  • derive from first principles and explain what the underlying mathematical principles of these reinforcement learning methods are
  • restate a control problem as an RL problem



Competences and Skills

After completed studies, the student shall be able to

  • analyze and compare results of reinforcement learning methods
  • implement (relevant parts of) advanced reinforcement learning algorithms
  • apply advanced reinforcement learning algorithms
  • read and critically review scientific publications about reinforcement learning
  • use OpenAI gym and deep learning libraries to implement (relevant parts of) RL algorithms

Judgment and Approach

After completed studies, the student shall be able to

  • discuss and reflect on important and advanced concepts in reinforcement learning
  • discuss and reflect on what influences the performance of these methods
  • discuss and reflect on when which of these methods applies
  • discuss and reflect on scientific publications about reinforcement learning
  • propose extensions and modifications to improve the performance of an RL algo-rithm for a specific problem

The course is organized in the sections described below.

Section 0 – Introduction to Basic RL and Control

This course section is provided for the students who do not fulfill the necessary requirements and is optional, with an exception made for the Quiz (Unit 7). The video lectures are taken from a SMART(er) course in reinforcement learning at Örebro University.

  • RL foundations
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Monte Carlo Methods
  • Temporal-difference Learning
  • Planning with a Model and Learning
  • Public Perception of RL and RL in Media
  • Quiz (mandatory): Recap on Control and Reinforcement Learning Basics
  • Lab and exercises

Section 1 – Temporal-difference Learning in Continuous Spaces

  • RL with function approximation
  • Temporal-difference Learning in Continuous Spaces
  • Temporal-difference learning for Linear Quadratic (LQ) problem)
  • Lab and exercises

Section 2 – Policy Search in Continuous Spaces

  • Policy gradient methods
  • PG for MDPs with continuous action space
  • Improving PG
  • Actor-critic methods
  • Lab and exercises

Section 3 – Methods with Model-learning

  • Model-based Policy Search
  • Adaptive control

Section 4 – Other Advanced Topics in RL

  • (Deep) RL and Reproducible
  • Elephant in the Room: Critical Opinion on Deep RL
  • RL from the control perspective
  • Multi-objective RL
  • Monte Carlo Tree Search
  • Guided Policy Search

The course includes three 2-day meetings with intense teaching on-site.

A list of references recommended for reading is provided by the teachers.

Reflective learning journal hand-in: The students hand in their reflective learning journal and it is graded according to a grading rubric at the end of the course.

Presentation: The students work in groups, present recent RL papers and get graded according to a grading rubric.

Lab: The students do practical work in computer-based sessions and hand in a report. The report will be graded according to a grading rubric.

Quiz: The students do a quiz on the learning platform.


The course allows one single retry for the assessment tasks at a date 6 months after the course concluded. The assessment tasks might be altered for the retry.

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