The WASP Graduate School arranges international study trips for PhD students in the WASP Graduate School. The trips head for interesting locations in Europe and/or further abroad.
Students may join up to two extra international trips that are initiated by PhD students or clusters that will be reimbursed if requirements are met.
During to the COVID pandemic, international study trips were cancelled. The affected classes (AS Batch 3, AI Batch 1-2 and Class 2021) are eligible to join up to three international trips that are initiated by PhD students or clusters.
Study Trips arranged by WASP Graduate School
The invitation to the study trips is a two-step process.
Step 1: Fill out a first form to prioritize your interest in the different destinations and to supply background information.
Please answer the form even if you do not want to join a trip this fall.
Step 2: A selection for which destination you will be invited to will be based on your interest for a specific destination and the number of maximum participants for each trip.
WASP Funded PhD Students (academic and industrial)
Main Journey
- Return tickets to the destination are booked by the PhD student and the costs are covered by the WASP Graduate School.
- Expenses and travel costs will be reimbursed by the quarterly requisition according to the requisition instructions.
Connecting Journey in Sweden
All travellers are responsible for booking their connections to and from the airport (or railway station) through the University/Company normal routine.
Use Graduate School project: WASP Forskarskola, C – resor at each university to cover the costs.
Affiliated Students
- You must book and pay for your own flight/train ticket to and from the main destination including connections in Sweden. Daily reimbursement costs are handled locally by your host university and not covered by WASP Graduate School.
All accommodation is booked and paid by WASP Graduate School for both funded and affiliated PhD students. To guarantee that all participants can stay at the same hotel, students may be asked to share rooms.
Documents and Travel Information
All PhD students are responsible for their own VISA. Note that the requirements differ between nationalities. Always start the VISA application procedure well in advance. The organizers may be able to assist with an invitation letter. If you encounter any problems, please inform the Program Office. We may not be able to help but we would like to be informed. VISA costs can be covered by the WASP Graduate School via the regular requisition process for WASP-funded students.
Travelling insurance
All PhD students are responsible for their travelling insurance. Ask your employer (company or university) for instructions and be careful to bring all papers/cards needed if you would need medical care at the destination.
Program and Information
The program may not yet be finalized at the point for registration. All registered PhD students will automatically be included in planned visits, dinners and events.
If you need to change your travel plan or cancel your participation, you must inform the Program Office.
- Before registration deadline – use the “edit link” in the confirmation email sent upon registration
- After registration deadline – inform the responsible person at the program office
Study Trips initiated by PhD Students or Clusters
PhD students may use their two extra centrally funded trips for self-organized trips or trips initiated by a cluster leader.
The funding available for each participant is:
Within Europe: SEK 20.000
Outside Europe: SEK 40.000
Before you apply for funding check that your proposed trip meets the following requirements:
- The study visit should be relevant for WASP research in general and specifically for the participating students. Attendance of conferences may be part of the program, but the trip should contain at least one day study visits at relevant companies and /or universities.
Pure conference trips are covered by the students’ individual travel budgets. - Networking within the WASP PhD community.
- The expected trip duration is maximum seven days.
- The minimum number of participants is five PhD students from at least three different universities.
- Costs are covered for maximum two WASP senior researcher/WASP postdoc.
- Costs are covered for WASP-funded PhD students. Affiliated PhD students are welcome to join but cover their own costs.
- The main organizer should write a travel report after the trip and upon request give a presentation of the trip on WASP meetings and conferences.
Applications can be submitted continuously. The outcome will be communicated within one month from the receival of the application.
The applicants must plan for that VISA-application processes can take several months. Invitation letter from the hosts needs to be taken care of by the main organizer/participant but a support letter from WASP can be written upon request.
Form #1
Application form,
Send the application form to:
The evaluation criteria are:
- Fulfillment of the formal requirements
- Program quality
- Cost-effectiveness
If your application is approved send the participant form to and wait for approval before you book travel & accommodation.
Application participant form
No one can be added after WASP Program Office has got the final list of participants from the main organizer.
When WASP PO has received the final list of participants a formal decision letter will be issued and sent to the participants and their financial officers.
Tickets and accommodation are arranged individually and reimbursements should follow the requisition process for international trips.