Welcome to the Community Building Summer School 23-27 August 2021. The summer school takes place in week 34 and is given online with a few local meetings (if this is in accord with the recommendations with regard to COVID19).

Information about the summer school is continuously uploaded below.

Invitations for registration were sent to AI Batch 2 and Class 2021 during Week 22. If you did not receive an invitation contact us at info@wasp-sweden.org


9:00 Introduction (Fredrik Heintz, LiU)

9:40 Introduction to WASP-HS (Virginia Dignum, UmU)

9:55 Break

10:05 WASP research Overview: Software (Ivica Crnkovic, CTH)

10:55 Break

11:05 Tutorial on Large Scale Computing (Raazesh Sainudiin, UU)

12:00 LUNCH

13:00 Exercises: Project Euler (Torbjörn Lundh, CTH)

16:00 End of exercises

17:00 Social event with participants in the WASP-HS summer school (local meetings in person)

19:00 End of day

9:00 Student Update: Project Euler (Bo Bernhardsson, LU)

9:55 Break

10:05 WASP research Overview: Artificial Intelligence (Danica Kragic, KTH)

10:55 Break

11:05 Tutorial on GANs (Martin Längkvist, OrU)

12:00 LUNCH

13:00 Tutorial on Bob Ross Challenge (Amy Loutfi, Martin Längkvist, Mårten Karlberg, OrU)

18:00 End of day

9:00 Student Update Bob Ross Challenge (Amy Loutfi, Martin Längkvist, Mårten Karlberg, OrU)

9:55 Break

10:05 WASP research Overview: Mathematics for AI (Johan Håstad, KTH)

10:55 Break

11:05 Tutorial on Cyber Security (Martin Hell, LU)

12:00 LUNCH

13:00 Contest: Capture the Flag (Martin Hell, LU)

18:00 End of day

9:00 Student Update Capture the Flag (Martin Hell, Bo Bernhardsson, LU)

9:55 Break

10:05 WASP research Overview: Autonomous Systems (Karl-Erik Årzén, LU)

10:55 Break

11:05 Tutorial on Behavior trees and planning (Petter Ögren, KTH)

12:00 LUNCH

13:00 Exercises Robot planning with behaviour trees (Jonatan Styrud, Matteo Iovino, KTH)

15:00 End of exercises

16:00 Social event (local meetings in person)

18:00 End of day

9:00 Student update Robot planning and Behaviour trees (Jonatan Styrud, Matteo Iovino, KTH)

9:55 Break

10:05 WARA

Introduction (Torbjörn Lundahl, WARA director)

WARA PS (Jesper Tordenlid, Combitech AB; Mattias Tiger, LiU)

New arenas – WARA Media and Language (Johanna Björklund, UmU)

10:55 Break

11:05 Industrial perspectives (Claes Lundström, Sectra)

11:30 WASP DDLS (Sonja Aits, SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program on Data-Driven Life Science, DDLS)

12:00 LUNCH

13:00 Student Perspectives (Rebekka Wohlrab, Carnegie Mellon University, Matthias Mayr, LU)

14:00 Conclusions (Fredrik Heintz, LiU)

15:00 End of day


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Social activities are arranged outdoor locally on Monday and Thursday. The arrangements will comply will the recommendations given at the time with respect to COVID19.

The following persons are responsible for the activities:

CTH Gregor Rettenegger from WASP-HS (Monday), Torbjörn Lundh (Thursday)
KTH Truls Nyberg, Fereidoon Zangeneh Kamali, Leonard Bruns
LiU Anja Hellander, Carl Hynén Ulfsjöö
LU Matthias Mayr, Bo Bernhardsson
OrU Amy Loutfi
UmU Timotheus Kampik, Christopher Blöcker
UU Amandine Caut

Fredrik Heintz

WASP co-director for collaborations, Professor of Computer Science, Linköping University