Description of the topics of the area cluster

The cluster collects research topics covering the following WASP keywords:

3D perception, applied AI, autonomous driving, anomaly detection, biomedical imaging, causality learning, computer vision, continual/incremental learning, data driven decision making, deep learning, digital twin, explainable AI, explainable machine learning, generative models, human-machine interaction, machine learning theory, molecular AI / autonomous molecular design, natural language processing, neuro-symbolic AI, probabilistic models, reasoning and planning, reinforcement learning, relational learning, representation learning, responsible AI, robot learning, robust learning, speech technology, statistical learning theory, topological data analysis, transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning, visualization

Cluster Activities

Contact all Members

Email-adress to all cluster members:

Kalle Åström

Professor, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University