You are welcome to join the workshop "How to successfully recruit female researchers" arranged by the WASP Diversity and Inclusion group. The workshop is aimed at researchers at all stages of their careers as well as HR and recruitment staff. Bring your questions and your expertise to participate in and contribute to the event.

13:00-13:10  Opening and introduction. Ivica Crnkovic, CTH.

13:10-14:10  Gender Issues in Computer Science Research, Education, and Society. Letizia Jaccheri, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

14:10-14:20 Speed meetings in breakout rooms

14:20-14:30  BREAK

14:30-15:30  Challenges and best practices from WASP Universities. Panel discussion moderated by Amy Loutfi, OrU and Katherine Harrison, LiU. Panel: Danica Kragic, Kathlén Kohn, KTH; Vicenc Torra UmU

15:30-15:55 WASP call for female assistant professors. Amy Loutfi, OrU

15:55-16:00 Closing remarks. Ivica Crnkovic, CTH.

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Keynote speaker Professor Letizia Jaccheri

Letizia Jaccheri (Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino, Italy) is Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Jaccheri’s research is on: software engineering; entertainment computing; computational creativity; ICT-enabled social innovation. Jaccheri is the Norwegian representative and Vice President of IFIP TC14 on Entertainment Computing.  She has published more than 200 papers in International conferences and journals. She has been teaching courses in software engineering at various levels since 1994. She has supervised PhD students, Post-doctoral students and acted as opponent for national and international defences.

From 2015 to April 2018 she was independent director of Reply S.p.A, an IT company with 6000 employees world wide.

She has been general chair of IFIP ICEC 2015, co-chair of ACM IDC 2018, and Program Chair of the European Computer Science Summit 2018. She participates to several Horizon 2020 projects, among which INITIATE INnovation through bIg daTa and socIal entrepreneurship; UMI-Sci-Ed Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote STEM Education; SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals.

Letizia Jaccheri is passionate about dissemination of computer science and research to the general public and to contribute to recruit female students to computer science and research.

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Amy Loutfi

WASP Program Director, Professor, Örebro University

Katherine Harrison

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