Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation grants SEK 70 million to the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), for a new initiative that promotes the uptake of AI based methodologies in academic research in Sweden.

With the new initiative, WASP takes on the mission to coordinate AI for science efforts in Sweden.

“This initiative builds on the needs and the successful collaborations between WASP and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s programs on sustainable materials and life science,” says Anders Ynnerman, WASP Program Director. “One of the goals is to bridge the gap between the latest AI research and other areas of science to enable breakthroughs.”

The development of Artificial Intelligence is progressing at extreme speed and new applications are continuously appearing in all sectors of society and industry. AI is also becoming an increasingly important tool in scientific discovery workflows in virtually all areas of science. However, the use of AI is in most scientific fields in its infancy and rapid efforts are needed to mature the use of AI in various scientific applications.

A key asset of the AI for Science initiative is the AI supercomputer Berzelius, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, which has enabled breakthroughs in a range of disciplines. To support both current and new user communities, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has allocated SEK 125 million for an upgrade to the latest GPU architecture in fall 2024. Something that was just recently communicated by Linköping University.

Published: June 11, 2024


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