The WASP Research Arena for Operational Data (WARA Ops) hosted its very first workshop at Ericsson Lund on May 17, 2024. Visitors from industry and academia enjoyed interesting talks, a panel session on academic use of operational datasets from industry, and guided tours of the Ericsson data centre and Ericsson garage.

– Our first workshop attracted over 30 delegates from a wide variety of Swedish companies and universities. We had a great series of talks and discussions around operational data, and we hope that this will be the first of many such events. Connecting academics with industrial practitioners and other parts of society is a priority for WARA Ops as we look to expand the number of datasets we host as well as the projects and partners we support, says Paul Townend, Co-Project Manager for WARA Ops and Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.

If you are interested in joining WARA Ops, which is bringing together Swedish industry and academia to solve the challenges of data-driven operations research, please contact Paul Townend.

Published: May 29, 2024


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